Mark Ford

Mark Morgan Ford, an entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author, has been collecting art for more than 40 years. In 2008, with Suzanne Snider, he opened Ford Fine Art, a gallery that specializes in modern Latin American masters. In 2019, with Snider, he published the book, Central American Modernism / Modernismo en Centroamérica. In 2020, he and Snider established CARA, a non-profit foundation for Central American Registry of Art. He is currently in the process of building a small museum to feature Mexican and Central American modern masters.  


Suzanne Snider

Suzanne Brooks Snider has been working with Central American artists for more than 15 years. Prior to becoming curator and director of the Ford Fine Art galleries, she held directorial positions with two art galleries and a museum. Her formal studies include art history and printmaking.  After co-writing the book, “Central American Modernism” with Mark Ford, Suzanne is considered an expert in Central American Art. She is the curator and director for the new museum, MOCAA.


Johann Bonilla

Johann Bonilla joins Ford Fine Art in Sales and Marketing.  He is currently the director of Ford Fine Art’s sister Gallery, Galeria Rancho Santana in Nicaragua.  He collaborates with the Spanish & French Cultural centers throughout Central America to host art contests and events. Johann is a Nicaraguen lawyer and also represents the CARA Foundation (Central American Registry of Art).